The 1st Study Visit of DIHs_P4Medicine Project will be a meeting point between the consortium members and the regional stakeholders and representatives from innovative companies of the health and technology sector.
Madrid — 28.11.2022. - DIHs_P4Medicine is a project led by four European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH·bio, Transilvania DIH, and Minasmart) which are expert on digital health and advanced technologies. We aim to identify key health priority areas where innovative digital technologies can be applied to accelerate the shift from a reactive healthcare approach to one based on the P4 Medicine paradigm: predictive, preventive, personalised and participatory.
To this end, we have the mission to foster a close dialogue among key stakeholders from across the quadruple helix (Academia, Industry, Government and Society) and all EU territories; and elaborate action plans to promote mid-and long-term collaboration among Digital Innovation Hubs with high social impact in healthcare and aligned with EU Health Strategy.
Digital transformation of this field has a high level of technical complexity, and therefore requires the intervention of a wide range of stakeholders. Lessons learned from this project will set out the basis for future inter-regional collaborations among key stakeholders of health innovation ecosystems.
For this purpose, the DIHsP4_Medicine project is organising its 1st Study Visit on November 28-30th 2022 in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. This Study Visit focuses on meeting key local actors working in the field of healthcare innovation and promoting the digitalisation of health-related activities.
The following activities will take place in Lyon and Grenoble:
On November 28, 2022, the Study Visit will begin with a visit to the facilities and some of the actors of the Campus Region du Numérique in Lyon. This will be followed by an on-site internal meeting of the DIHs_P4Medicine consortium to discuss the findings and conclusion related to Task Force 1* and set out the next steps towards the forthcoming Task Forces and Study Visits. This will be the basis for two of the project’s deliverables.
On November 29, 2022, DIHs_P4Medicine consortium will participate in the regional event Journée Ambition Europe in Lyon and network with regional stakeholders and representative of highly innovative companies of the healthcare sector working in innovative solutions for digital health.
On November 30, 2022, DIHs_P4Medicine consortium will attend to the DigiFed European project’s Final Event in Grenoble, where the project members will establish connection with representatives of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) from across Europe.
In addition, the DIHs_P4Medicine consortium will have a final internal meeting to discuss about findings and draw conclusions on this 1st Study Visit.
DigiFed project’s final event, connecting with representatives of Digital Innovation Hubs and European Digital Innovation Hubs from across Europe, and will end with the Study Visit Task Force 1 drawing conclusions and establishing next steps.
About DIHs_P4Medicine DIHsP4_Medicine is a consortium of 4 Digital Innovation Hubs specialized in Healthcare and Medical sectors, which aims to address the necessary steps to build successful collaboration mechanisms among DIHs to boost the P4 paradigm in Medicine. Digital transformation of this field has a high level of technical complexity, and therefore requires the intervention of a wide range of stakeholders. Lessons learned from this project will be useful for building future inter-regional collaborations, involving the participation of highly specialized players.
*About Task Force 1 of DIHs_P4Medicine
TF1 consists of a systemic analysis and reflection about the opportunities and benefits offered by the use of digital technologies (artificial intelligence, high performance computing, cybersecurity, medical robotics, etc) or key enabling technologies (nanotechnologies, photonics, etc.) to the field of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of different types of diseases with great impact on healthcare systems and society.