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EEN: Oportunități B2B - parteneriate și matchmaking

Laura M. Lămurean

Proiectul Enterprise Europe Network vă oferă o serie de potențiale colaborări de care puteți beneficia, dar și o serie de evenimente care vă pot ajuta la dezvoltarea companiei dumneavoastră. Pentru detalii și informații vă rugăm să scrieți un e-mail către colega noastră

Oportunități parteneriate

1. RDSI20210330002: Slovenian elderly care center seeks IT company to develop a software application for nutritional screening and to apply for AAL Call2021 – H2020 Societal Challenge

A privately owned Slovenian center for comprehensive care of the elderly, established in 1995. manages elderly care units in eight Slovenian towns. They will apply as a lead partner to the ALL call Active Assisted Living Programme Ageing Well in the Digital World Call2021 (H2020 Societal Challenge). They are looking for an additional partner, an IT company that can develop a software application for nutritional screening. Deadline exprimare interes colaborare: 30. 4. 2021.

2. ACCIO ( Agency for business competitiveness) Catalonia oferă sprijin financiar pentru angajarea cercetătorilor cu experiență pentru a dezvolta proiecte de cercetare și dezvoltare. Tecniospring INDUSTRY, programul internațional de talente al ACCIÓ, stimulează procesele de transfer tehnologic oferind companiilor și centrelor spaniole de cercetare și dezvoltare posibilitatea de a găzdui cercetători cu contract de munca, pe durata a 2 ani.

Va rog sa regasiti in tabelul anexat lista companiilor si a posturilor disponibile in domeniul ICT.

Evenimente de Matchmaking 1. EU Brokerage Event on Digital & Industrial Technologies, Mobility, OITB & M-ERA.NET Next destination: HORIZON EUROPE 29.04.2021, Germany A dedicated brokerage event to build up consortia for specific Horizon Europe calls.

  • Learn first-hand from the European Commission about Horizon Europe;

  • Initiate cross-border contacts and cooperations with representatives of other European universities, research organisations and companies;

  • Exchange ideas in the frame of pre-arranged meeting;

  • Find the right project partners in order to turn your project idea into a successful proposal!

2. Med2Meet - virtual healthcare cooperation day 21.04.2021, Polonia The event brings together companies, R&D institutions, investors and other medical sector stakeholders from all over the world to establish new business contacts, find contractors, exchange information and gather experience regarding the latest market trends in the medtech industry: • manufacturers of medical devices, • solution providers to the medical devices sector, such as AI,3D print, robotics, apps & software et al., • agents and distributors, • hospitals and other medical facilities, • scientific institutions, • public administration. 3. CONNECT DAY(s) 2021, Matching Start-ups with Corporates and Investors 3, 6, 12 May 2021 Connect Day is not a typical buyer meets seller event. It's all about innovation. On the one hand, is focused on corporates seeking for innovative startup products and services (innovation inflow). On the other hand, the event supports selected startups to get in touch with investors focussing on early-stage investment (pre-seed and seed stage). Target groups: - Corporates and SMEs (with a focus on the Austrian market, but not limited to it) - Investors and start-ups - Asian startups from the GIN goAustria program - National startup ecosystem stakeholders - National corporate network


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