REFLOW project finished its first year with the release of five public reports to support cities in transitioning to a productive and regenerative model
● Five public reports have been released by the EU research project REFLOW
● They cover different dimensions of city circularity, including materials engineering,
governance & urban strategies, business & society, and technology.
● With this important milestone achieved, REFLOW moves closer to the goal to
understand and redefine urban resource usage considering social, environmental,
and economic impacts
A collection of public reports on circular economy (CE) is now available to city leaders. The
reports are the latest output from the H2020 European Research project REFLOW: a 28-
organisation strong consortium enabling the transition of European cities towards circular and
regenerative practices.
The reports, five in total, cover the wide range of fundamental actions required of cities when
implementing circular practices. Topics include: summarizing and validating of co-production
practices; use-case analysis of technological tools designed to help circular economy transition
and city-level action plans designed to serve as case studies by REFLOW pilot cities. The
reports are aimed at city leaders and public administrations looking to take the first steps
towards incorporating circular economy principles in their city, by first empowering and
engaging citizens. The REFLOW Collaborative Governance Toolkit, for example, proposes
‘how-to’ steps to develop and sustain collaborative governance approaches.
This is an important milestone for the project. With it, REFLOW moves closer to the goal to
understand and redefine urban resource usage considering social, environmental, and
economic impacts.
Researcher Pablo Muñoz, a member of REFLOW from IAAC in Barcelona says:
“These are key outputs for the project because they concretise much of the hard work the consortium has been doing for the last twelve months. We hope to concretely engage a community of city leaders, SMEs, Industry partners and citizens who will apply and make use of these key tools. We’re looking forward to releasing more over the next 24 months.”
About the REFLOW Project
REFLOW is an EU Horizon 2020 research project running from 2019-2022, which aims to
enable the transition of European cities towards circular and regenerative practices. The
project will provide the best practices aligning market and government needs in order to
create favorable conditions for the public and private sector to adopt circular economy
practices. REFLOW is creating new CE business models within six pilot cities: Amsterdam,
Berlin, Cluj-Napoca, Milan, Paris, and Vejle and assessing their social, environmental and
economic impact, by enabling active citizen involvement and systemic change to re-think the
current approach to material flows in cities.
The reports can be accessed free of charge at
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement number 820937.
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