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Learn2Do4Entrepreneurship aims to develop entrepreneurial skills and supports business initiatives by promoting the entrepreneurial culture in the North-Western region of Romania. The project ensures access to integrated advisory services, start-up business support, assistance, mentoring and entrepreneurial training. 


Financed through  the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020, the state aid scheme Romania Start Up Plus, is implemented by a team of experts from 7 partner institutions - CIVITTA Strategy & Consulting SA, ARIES Transilvania, the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Transylvanian Furniture Cluster Association, Agro-Food-Ind Napoca Cluster Association, Ropot Association and the University of Oradea.


440 people participated in a training program aimed at developing entrepreneurial skills, of which 49 developed start-ups that received a grant of 36,000 euro, as well as attended a mentoring and counselling programme during the implementation of the business plan.


As project partner, ARIES Transilvania organised the accredited training courses in entrepreneurial competencies for part of the target group, being directly involved in awarding the business plans, organizing practice activity in companies active in the field of new entrepreneurs, and presently, holding the mentoring and counseling activities. The project activities are in progress until June 2020.

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