UIA Cluj Future of Work aims to create a socially resilient working ecosystem for current and future jobs in the city and imagine a technologically-enriched future, one that is also safe, ethical, inclusive and sustainable.
With the intention to create a socially resilient working ecosystem for current and future jobs in the city, the project allows us to imagine a technologically-enriched future, one that is also safe, ethical, inclusive and sustainable.
UIA Future of Work
Cluj Future of Work takes five innovative tracks to tackle the vulnerability of the local economy towards emerging technologies:
It promotes “smart specialisation”, aiming to make creative-based industries – one of the new competitive advantages of the city- and related knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) more competitive and engaged in societal change.
It enables the transition to work 4.0, providing training and skills development for the work of today and tomorrow, especially for work cycles under high risk of automation.
It re-imagines work, connected to both social values and technical potential.
It seeks to improve the spatial conditions of the local economy, through the regeneration of the CREIC area by transforming it into a knowledge-based new part of the city.
It introduces experimentations for systematic changes for local value added chains and the new social contract governing the future of work by introducing a local label acting as a financial tool.
As project partner, ARIES Transilvania is in charge of the curricula for a specialized module for the Culturepreneurs program, which covers digitalization for CCI professionals. ARIES is also in charge of the curricula for the Work 4.0 module addressing the vulnerability to automation of BPO services. Additionally ARIES will assist 10 professionals whose current jobs are vulnerable to the automation process.
City of Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Cultural Clujean, ARIES Transilvania, Asociația Cluj IT - cluster, Cluster Mobilier Transilvan, Transylvania Creative Industries Cluster, Universitatea de Artă și Design din Cluj-Napoca, Asociația PLAI, Asociația pentru Promovarea Filmului Românesc