ZEROW is a €12 million EU project about systemic innovations for zero food waste, funded under the Green Deal call of the Horizon Programme 2020 (Grant Agreement no. 101036388).
The European Commission will closely monitor the project's results and progress over the next four years in relation to future EU legislation on reduction of food waste.
The project runs from 2022 to 2025 and is implemented in collaboration among 46 stakeholders from 17 countries.

Transilvania IT Cluster Contribution
In this project Transilvania IT together with our partners from Agro Transilvania Cluster are leading the Romanian chapter of the Sistemic Innovation Living Lab 1 (SILL1).
This SILL is focusing on Tech-IN Waste-OUT, developing an open, data-driven platform for capturing and assessing FLW data throughout the supply chain.
This Living Lab will implement and test a FLW IT integration infrastructure and system, that will be fed with accurate and trustworthy data from all food supply actors and consumers enabling data collection, transparency, forecasting, monitoring, and management of food waste while interconnecting all stakeholders.
It will be implemented as an open-source platform, which is provisioned to be used by any e-services, tools and platforms for advanced analytics, real-time decision-making processes, reporting, visualization, etc., allowing:
data collection and sharing among all actors and consumers
systemic reporting about FLW evolution with FLW modelling and forecasting capabilities
supporting food chain optimization and innovations based on data driven services
supporting real-time and strategic (policy based) decision making