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BOOST Project comes to an end today!

Today marks the completion of BOOST project, one of our main initiatives. We are deeply proud and honored to have been part of this dynamic consortium, where we focused on collaboration and innovation.

Over the past two years, we’ve worked together for the success of this project. Countless meetings, strategic mapping and building innovation have sustained our collective efforts. Now, as we wrap up this project, we’re committed to continue nurturing the partnerships we built here. 

The project had a total budget of €499,968, bringing together six organizations from five European countries. 

We've had an amazing 2 years during which we've managed to successfully implement our activity plan, to confirm some of our hypotheses and also fail, as failure is the main learning point from which we take our lessons forward and can regroup and continue our work in the innovation sector. In a nutshell, here are our key achievements:

  • We engaged with innovation stakeholders across North-West Romania, Catalunya (Spain) and North-East Bulgaria through on-site visits and strategic meetings.

  • The Cluj-Napoca Innovation Camp in October 2023 served as a catalyst, connecting innovation representatives from Romania, Spain, Bulgaria and Denmark. Together, we set the stage for a five-year action plan.

  • Our main deliverables are: a regional state of the art of the 5 innovation ecosystems (D2.1) and comprehensive mapping of innovation stakeholders (D2.2), a corridor operational model (D3.1), and a 5-year action plan (D4.3) with commitment from a partner organization to carry on as regional gateways for fast-lane collaboration on Industry 4.0 and Cleantech projects.

  • How did we do this? Through 21 online coordination meetings, 3 on-site partnership meetings in Cluj, Barcelona and Varna, numerous one-on-ones and partnership thematic meetings happening pertaining to all work packages.

The BOOST Project aimed to increase collaboration across European Innovation Ecosystems, focusing on Industry 4.0, Cleantech & Green Transition, Health and Well-being. Also, BOOST bridged the innovation gaps by developing a Networking-as-a-Service collaboration framework.

The BOOST Project as an EU-funded project, received support from the Horizon Europe Programme - European Interconnect Ecosystems (EIE)-2021-CONNECT-01-01. 

To our partners: North-Western Regional Development Agency, Bulgarian Business Forums, TARTU SCIENCE PARK FOUNDATION TSP, VEJLE KOMMUNE and Cluster Digital de Catalunya, our stakeholders and everyone who contributed to this initiative, thank you!

Our work doesn’t stop here for sure, we continue shaping the future together!


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