You are not alone!

You will find on this page useful resources and contacts for your Business and your employees while facing the consequences of Covid-19.
Updated information about COVID-19 crisis
The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment announces the launch of the registration stage within measure 2 “Grants for working capital” within the state aid scheme established by Emergency Ordinance no. 130 of 31 July 2020 on some measures for the granting of financial support from non-reimbursable external funds, related to the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020, in the context of the crisis caused by COVID-19.
For more information and support, please send an e-mail to:
Always inform yourself from official sources, here are some suggestions:
Platforms that help you work from home
If you need help while working from home, you might find this helpful:
How to communicate with your customers
You have some good tips about how you can speak with your customers written by:
How can I help
If you want to help, you have more available platforms:
Initiatives for assistance
Maybe one of the solutions created by other companies will help you: team collected a wide range of free resources offered by startups and tech companies;
Techcelerator launched a call to bring startups in health and digital services that could support
Here are 10 tech companies launched by Romanians supporting the community during the Coronavirus outbreak
The CityHealth platform is available free of charge to City Hall and Citizens for correct information on case management of Coronavirus throughout the crisis.
Calendis gratuit pentru instituțiile publice - free for public institutions
What you need to know about legislative measures
Some useful information you can find here:
The start-up support fund has been converted to a guarantee fund for SMEs. It will provide guarantees for 80% to 100% of the value of a credit taken out by a company to fund their working capital. Maximum length of loan will be 3 to 10 years;
Companies that can obtain a state of emergency certificate that will attest that their economic activity is impacted by COVID 19 outbreak. This will allow them to postpone tax payments for one month;
The government will cover the costs of all workers in technical unemployment if those specific workers cannot work remotely.
Postponement of foreclosure as a result of fiscal claims. This includes sequestration of bank accounts. The only exception is court decisions in criminal cases. This will, in the short term, allow more liquidity to cash strapped firms;
Temporary suspension of routine fiscal inspections, with the exception of those that can be done remotely or there is evidence of fiscal evasion;
Suspension of antifraud inspections at crossing points on the border with Hungary and Bulgaria;
Accelerated VAT reimbursement for all cases with positive decisions and an accelerated VAT procedure to speed up the reimbursement process of new VAT claims;
Extended deadlines to 30 June from 31 March for individuals to pay land, building and vehicle taxes.
National Bank
Interested rates cut to 2% from 2.5%;
Decreasing banks minimum capital reserves in RON to 6% from 8%;
Restart of repo operations ;
Banks are being permitted to postpone credit reimbursement for vulnerable clients without the mandatory provisioning that would normally would be required;
National Bank is seeking approval from the ECB to lift the 20% ceiling on state bonds for commercial banks.
Source: British Embassy Bucharest