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Innovation Camp 2020

Laura M. Lămurean

The event reunites experts who aim to contribute by proposing policy challenges related to startups, by offering solutions to challenges at EU level and mechanisms to successfully address societal challenges. We strive to engage the best experts from within the Q-helix (academia, business, public authorities, nonprofits) offering practical and applicable solutions that could be implemented, replicated and rescaled at the end of the ideathon.

Through this approach, collaboration within the ecosystem is supported, especially in relation to new entrepreneurs, advancing innovation and business development internationally.

Innovation Camp reunites in Cluj-Napoca 70 international and local experts, who for the duration of two and a half days will be developing and proposing solutions to four identified challenges presented to them.

The featured challenges proposed for this edition of Innovation Camp were:

Challenge 1:

Climate Change / Eco Tourism and Eco industry. Developing a place like a best for Eco Tourism and Eco industry

Owner: Cluj-Napoca City Hall / Varna

Challenge 2:

How to turn a city/village into an attractive location for start-ups and attracting investments and big companies

Owner: Varna Ecosystem

Challenge 3:

Building and Boosting the Ecosystem for Startups at Local Level as DIH

Owner: Transilvania IT Cluster

Challenge 4:

How to put together a local/regional Investment Fund

Owner: Cluj and Varna Ecosystem




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