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Romania’s Digital Future: Digital Transformation Opportunities - EU Industry Week 2021 local event

Laura M. Lămurean

Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub organizează în 25 februarie 2021, evenimentul Romania’s Digital Future: Digital Transformation Opportunities, desfășurat sub egida EU Industry Week 2021, sub forma unui eveniment local. (English version below)

În cadrul acestui eveniment ne propunem să prezentăm principalele priorități pentru viitorul digital al Europei și principalele obiective ale programului Europa Digitală, cu accent pe viitoarea rețea europeană de centre de inovare digitală (EDIH). De asemenea, fiind un eveniment local dedicat IMM-urilor, autorităților publice și cetățenilor, în cadrul evenimentului ne propunem să fie prezentate, de către speakeri, oportunitățile de care participanții trebuie să țină cont, proiectele cu focus pe transformarea digitală, sau planuri de viitor.

Totodată, evenimentul va prezenta direct prioritățile programului Europei pentru perioada următoare, cu accent pe transformarea digitală.

Întrebarea principală la care se va răspunde în cadrul acestui eveniment este „Cum se pot implica IMM-urile locale în viitorul Europei digitale și care sunt modalitățile prin care pot face acest lucru?” Accentul nostru va fi pus pe consolidarea ecosistemului local și asigurarea transferului de know-how-ului pentru comunitate.

IMM-urile locale și autoritățile publice devin din ce în ce mai interesate să adopte noile tehnologii digitale în cadrul activității lor. De asemenea, companiile românești care își focusează activitatea pe outsourcing ar putea deveni interesate de crearea unor noi produse inovatoare proprii.


Elena Angiolini - Programme officer of the „Digital Transformation of Industrial Ecosystems” unit in DG CONNECT, European Commission.

Cristian Otgon - Coordinator of the design of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship component in the future North West Regional Operational Programme, INNO-rethinking business networks - Department head

Bianca Muntean - Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub - coordinator

Ciprian Morcan - Transylvanian Furniture Cluster, manager

Razvan Sima - RF Meters, CEO

Răzvan Deșliu – Public Manager – Ministry of Economy and Finance

Daniel Coșnița – Clustero - president


EN: Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub, orchestrated by Transilvania IT Cluster organizes on February 25, 2021, the event Romania’s Digital Future: Digital Transformation Opportunities, held under the auspices of EU Industry Week 2021, in the form of a local event.

This event would present the main priorities for Europe’s Digital Future and the main objectives of the Digital Europe Programme, with a focus on the future European Network of Digital Innovation Hubs. Also, being a local event dedicated to the local SMEs, public authorities and citizens this event will cover the opportunities for the audience and will raise awareness regarding those.

The event will present directly the priorities of Europe's programme for the next period, with a focus on digital transformation.

The main question which will receive answers after this event is `How can local SMEs get involved in the Future of Digital Europe and what are the ways they can do so?` Our focus is to consolidate the local ecosystem and to ensure the know-how transfer for the community.

Local SMEs and public authorities are getting more interested in adapting new digital technologies within their activity. Also, with the big potential of the ITC companies which are mainly focused on outsourcing services, presenting them the new opportunities offered by European Commission might re-orient their activity towards developing their own innovative products.


Over the past years, the European Commission has organised EU Industry Days as an opportunity for stakeholders and citizens from all over Europe to establish a strong dialogue on the future of European industry. In 2019, the event gathered more than 1,500 participants from across the EU and across a wide range of stakeholders, from industrial leaders to civil society.

The fourth edition of EU Industry Days will focus on the accelerated twin green and digital transition, and the changing global competitive landscape in the post-COVID context. Against this background, it will provide important input for the update of the EU industrial strategy announced by European Commision President Ursula von der Leyen.

Taking into account the uncertainties related to COVID-measures, the event will be organised virtually between 22-25 February 2021. The programme will be co-created by the European Commission and industrial stakeholders.


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