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Transylvanian Clusters International Conference 2021 - the 6th edition

Laura M. Lămurean
  • Over 80 experts from more than 20 countries gather for three days at the hybrid edition Transylvanian Clusters International Conference, organized in Cluj-Napoca & online

  • The theme of the edition - Future Skills for Industry - brings into debate the biggest challenges of the moment for the main industries in Transylvania, from digitalization and industrial transformation to the specialization of human resources and motivation of young professionals

Every industry needs to identify patterns of transformation and adaptation in the (post) pandemic context, and the event organized by the Cluster Consortium of Northern Transylvania between June 16-18 promises to provide a friendly and professional debate framework. The economic sectors around which the discussions will take place are: energy, agri-food, IT, furniture manufacturing and creative industries. But addressing current challenges remains cross-sectoral, open to professionals in all fields of activity, as long as they are interested in collaboration, digitalisation, entrepreneurship or research.

The organizing clusters invited both personalities from Romania and guests from abroad to ensure a relevant mix of knowledge, experiences, case studies and good practices. Speakers include representatives of the European Commission, as well as leaders of the most relevant economic organizations in the country, including Ulla Engelmann, who heads the department of advanced technologies, clusters and social economy at the European Commission, Anne-Marie Sassen, department coordinator for digital transformation of industrial ecosystems within the European Commission, Amaia Celaya Alvarez, senior expert in urban resilience at the European Commission, Ali Muhammad, senior researcher in robotic systems at ATV Finland, coordinator of international projects Better Factory, IHL, Antonio Novo, president The European Alliance of Clusters and the Federation of Clusters of Spain, Ştefan Pădure, vice-president of the Association for the Promotion of Romanian Food - APAR, Cătălin Butnariu, president of RGDA - the Association of game developers in Romania.

"We notice the acute need for an industrial transformation and we have to decide if and to what extent we will be active players. If we choose passivity, we risk widening the gap with other regions and countries. That is why we need a constant openness to internationalization, where to go and where to bring the best models "- considers Ciprian Morcan, manager of the Transylvanian Furniture Cluster.
"The process of digital transformation has accelerated recently. We are witnessing an impressive dynamic in all sectors of activity. There are a number of success stories that Transilvania IT Cluster (TITC) member companies have shared about the growing openness of various sectors to the digitalization process and all that it means, starting with business digitalization, telemedicine, and , especially, the digitization of interactions with state institutions - online payments, online application submissions, etc. ”- explains Bianca Muntean, manager of Transilvania IT Cluster.
"At least in terms of digitalization, the discrepancies between Romanian producers and EU competitors sometimes seem overwhelming, but so are the differences between the allocated resources. Robotization, the use of drones, smart cars and sensors are becoming an increasingly present reality so a major challenge for manufacturers will be to find a balance between achieving economic efficiency and maintaining quality. The agri-food sector is constantly evolving, even if it maintains its archaic, traditional character, because the taste, aroma and uniqueness of food products ultimately come from human expertise and influence ”- points out Felix Arion, manager of AgroTransilvania Cluster.

Registrations for TCIC 2021 are free and are made exclusively online, by registering on the platform dedicated to the event. Each participant will create a virtual profile, which will be very useful for networking and matchmaking on June 18, the day when 1 to 1 meetings are encouraged between those who could develop new business together, partnerships and projects, trade links export. Participation can be online or in person, at choice, provided that individuals attending the conference can provide proof of vaccination or testing of Covid-19 (within the last 72 hours).

TCIC aims to support the development of the business environment and to facilitate the international exchange of knowledge and good practices. Previous editions of the conference brought together over 1,200 participants from dozens of countries, representatives of small and medium-sized companies, experts from academia, research, professional organizations and public administration.

Despre eveniment:

Transylvanian Clusters International Conference – TCIC 2021 – este un eveniment anual realizat de Consorțiul Clusterelor din Transilvania de Nord, din care fac parte Cluster Mobilier Transilvan, Transilvania IT Cluster, AgroTransilvania Cluster, Transylvania Energy Cluster – TREC, Cluster de Industrii Creative Transilvania și Romanian New Materials Cluster.

Matchmaking partners: Enterprise Europe Network, ARIES Transilvania, Asociația Clusterelor din România - Clustero

Media Partners: Transilvania Business, Napoca FM, Cluj,, Mag Mob, Antreprenor în România, Economistul, Club Economic, Top Business, România Pozitivă, România Durabilă, Spațiul Construit, MATEK, Revista Mobila, APMR

Sponsors: Antares România, E-Laborator, INCDTIM, Salice, Hygia Consult, Cluj Innovation Park, InPULSE, Microsoft, Fresh Blood, EIT Health


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