The second call for DIH2 apel funding was opened in early April. The technology providers have chosen to form consortia with the factories in the country and can receive up to 248,000 euros to develop automation solutions proposed by them, meant to innovate the #manufacturing industry in Romania.

In this call, 15 consortia of 2-3 companies will be selected to participate in the Technology Transfer Program, whose main purpose is to test production line automation solutions by using robots.
The program consists of two stages. The first stage extends from April 1 to June 30 and involves sending a short proposal by the formed consortium, which will be based on technical aspects of the technology transfer experiment. After that, the 2 best project proposals will be selected and invited to submit their detailed project between July and September 2021.
Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub organizes an info day for Romanian SMEs that are interested in participating in the second call for funding for the DIH2 project.
A short presentation of the agenda :
- Presentation of Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub and the services offered;
- Presentation of the IHL project and the second call for funding;
- Q&A session;
The event will take place on April 22, 2021, starting with 11.00, on the zoom platform and is a free event.