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Work 4.0

Laura M. Lămurean

The Work 4.0 course within the Future of Work Project has a unique character and proposes through the approached theme to familiarize the participants with the organizations of the future, their characteristics, but especially the context and the paradigm shift generated by new technologies and digital innovations. The course addresses new, comprehensive and offering topics as a spectrum of knowledge about the future of organizations and work.

From a strategic point of view, the course aims to develop organizational potential in new directions through the advantages of innovation and digital transformation in organizations. The structure, format and content of these courses will contribute to the formation of a new, complementary vision, through which organizations can become proactive and strategically intelligent in the new competitive framework.

For more details and registration please send an email to

Deadline registration: May 14, 2021


The course brings new information and knowledge needed in the management process of the organization to understand the nature of the changes generated by new technologies and digital innovations.

The course offers participants the opportunity to capitalize on the organization's innovative potential in new areas with high added value in the new context of digital organizations.

Each course will provide the opportunity to interact with expert guests who will share their experience.

The second part of the course, for employees and technical teams from participating companies offers the opportunity to use free laboratories equipped with digital technologies (machine learning and vision, Internet of Things and other state-of-the-art equipment) to develop solutions based on real scenarios for organizations. digital aspects of the future and the future of jobs.


  • understanding the dynamic technological context in which organizations will operate in the new digital paradigm

  • understanding and mastering the main strategic directions for the future of the organization from the perspective of digital transformation and innovation

  • understanding and mastering the main trends that will influence the future of organizations and the future of jobs

  • identification of new sources of competitive advantage and strategic resources for capitalizing on the organizational potential

  • understanding the complexity of organizations in the new economic and social paradigm and increasing the capacity to design the organizations of the future


The course includes nine modules, each module having 2.5h allocated. The course is taught by experienced trainers and consultants who will ensure the sharing of information and knowledge through modern methods and means. An expert with a rich professional experience in the subject of the course will be invited to each course. Each course will encourage participants' reflections, free discussions and creativity.

Profile of participants

The course is intended for people in management positions, managers, human resources managers, people who have responsibilities and attributions for strategic decisions, a transformative role, responsible for personnel policy, but also employees of technical departments who want to acquire skills about the management and strategies of organizations in the new digital socio-economic paradigm.


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